In 1995, José Luis de Dios Galán, after a long career in the aviation industry - including commercial management of various prestigious airlines - embarked on a project to provide the services of representing airlines and tourism professionals. This is how Air Travel Management - Airmat was born and today is one of the leading companies in its field.
At AirTravel Management - Airmat, we pay special attention to certain principles that we believe to be fundamental for us to reach our clients' goals. We abide by these principles:
We count on a team of professionals with extensive experience in the field. The professionals that form our team have been selected from:
This enables us to guarantee a high quality service that satisfies all the needs of our clients.
AIR TRAVEL MANAGEMENT C/ JORGE JUAN 68, 1ºD 28009 MADRID - Tlf: (+34) 914015701 / (+34) 914022718